Some details on the first meetup of the open multicultural community CrossCommConnect
Some details on the first meetup of the open multicultural community CrossCommConnect with the support of the Office of International Affairs of Research Tomsk State University with the participation of representatives of Al-Azhar University Indonesia, the Imajin PR & Research agency (Jakarta, Indonesia) and Nexus Risk Mitigation and Strategic Communication Agency (Jakarta, Indonesia). The topic of the meetup: «Professions without borders: integration into the professional community and employment of students studying advertising and PR abroad when they return home.» We’ll discuss the cases of TSU students and graduates from Indonesia. We hope that the meeting will be the first step towards solving the problem of integrating foreign students returning home after study into the professional community. November 29, the meetup starts at 9.30AM-11.30AM/ Registered listeners will get a link to join.