The first meetup of the open multicultural community CrossCommConnect « Connect Universum 2023

Connect Universum 2024 The first meetup of the open multicultural community CrossCommConnect

On November 29, 2024 (9.30AM-11.30AM (Tomsk/Jakarta, UTC+7)) the Department of Social Communications of the Faculty of Psychology of Tomsk State University with the support of the Office of International Affairs of TSU invites program managers, lecturers, students and experts in advertising and PR (strategic communications) to the first meetup of the open multicultural community CrossCommConnect. The meetup will be held within the VII All-Russian Scientific and Practical Forum with international participation Connect-Universum-2024 (in hybrid format, in English).

The topic of the meetup: «Professions without Borders: integration of students studying advertising and PR abroad into professional community».

International academic mobility contributes to the creation of common educational space and is supported by the efforts of states, universities and the students themselves to get a new cultural experience. However, when students return home, they often find themselves alone trying to integrate into professional community. The interest of students from Vietnam, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, China, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan to training programs «Advertising and Public Relations» of TSU made our department and TSU initiate this discussion. 

The purpose of the meetup is to exchange ideas and cases, identify gaps and problem points and figure out recommendations for:
Formats of cooperation between Russian universities and foreign professional communities in the field of advertising and PR (strategic communications);
Participation of international students who study in Russia in professional contests  and other events organized in their home countries
Short-term exchange educational programs and summer schools of partner universities;
Creating the atmosphere that facilitates the integration of foreign graduates of TSU into professional community of their country as soon as they return home.

The language of the meetup is English. The format is hybrid (online + Small conference hall of the TSU Scientific Library in Tomsk, Lenin, 34a). Pre-registered participants will receive an email with a link to the online connection (registration is to be done at least 3 days before the event here). The website will provide a link to the meetup’s live stream on the day of the event. For questions about participating in the event, please contact the moderator of the community – Yulia Lvovna Zelichenko, senior lecturer in the Department of Social Communications, the Faculty of Psychology TSU:

Online meetings of the CrossCommConnect community and discussion of cross-cultural aspects of advertising and PR communications will be regular (twice a month). Announcements will appear on the Connect-Universum forum website.



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SPEAKERS The first meetup of the open multicultural community CrossCommConnect

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